Shah Rukh Khan:

I was just reading up on India’s legal environment for business, and it’s quite fascinating, don’t you think?

Angelina Jolie:

Yes, it’s definitely an important aspect for any business to consider. Have you ever worked with the Boehm Law Firm? They have an experienced legal team that provides expert counsel.

Shah Rukh Khan:

No, I haven’t. But I have a question – are temp tags legal? I’ve always been curious about this.

Angelina Jolie:

That’s a good question. I’m not entirely sure, but I think social contract theory might have some ideas related to this.

Shah Rukh Khan:

Interesting. Speaking of legal matters, do you know if it’s possible to legally marry an illegal immigrant?

Angelina Jolie:

According to some resources, it seems that common law marriage might play a role in immigration laws in the USA. You should look into that.

Shah Rukh Khan:

Thanks for the insight. By the way, do you know what the maximum interest allowed by law in Texas is?

Angelina Jolie:

That’s a legal question that I’m not entirely sure about. But I did come across an interesting article about how the Good Contractors List makes money, if you’re interested in that kind of legal insight.

Shah Rukh Khan:

Thanks, I’ll definitely check that out. On a different note, do you know the meaning of legal entity in Tamil? I came across this term recently and it got me curious.

Angelina Jolie:

I’m not familiar with that, but it sounds intriguing. I’ll have to look it up myself.